How to Measure For Your Knee Walker
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- Even though height ranges are provided by the manufacturers, they are subjective since everyone's legs and torsos are different proportions. A customer who is 5'2" but has longer legs may be able to use one knee walker that a customer who is 5'3" with shorter legs may not. It all depends on measurements. The best way to know for sure if a knee scooter will be the correct size for you is to measure in advance. Before getting started, you will need:
- A tape measure or yard stick.
- A friend or family member to help is recommended.
- A solid, stable item to hold onto - such as a chair, counter or wall to balance yourself with.
- Once you are safely balanced, bend your leg that will be on the knee walker to a 90 degree angle as if it were resting on the knee pad. Make sure you are standing up straight and not leaning. Next, measure the distance from the bottom of your bent knee to the floor (see figure below).
- If your measurement is 16.5" or more, all of our knee scooter models are options for you. For users that are a little shorter, the Swivelmate Knee Walker model is popular since it goes a full 2 inches lower than most models. For taller users, where the measurement is over 22" the Free Spirit Knee Walker or Swivelmate Knee Walker are the models you would want to take a look at. Use the chart below to see which model will fit your measurements best. They are listed shortest to tallest.
- Knee Walker Model
- Floor to Knee Measurement
- Estimated User Height Range
- Knee Walker Jr.
- 14" - 17.5"
- 3'6"-5'4"
- Swivelmate Knee Walker
- 14.5" (21.5" tall model) - 21.5" (25.5" tall model)
- 4'8"-6'8"
- iWALK3.0
- 15" - 20"
- 4'9" - 6'6"
- Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter
- 16.5" - 21.5"
- 5'2"-6'3"
- KneeRover All Terrain Knee Walker
- 19" - 22"
- 5'6"-6'5"
- Medline All-Terrain Knee Walker
- 20" - 27.5"
- 5'7" - 6'9"
- All of our knee walker models feature adjustable height knee pads and handle bars to ensure the proper alignment. With the knee scooter set up properly, your hips should be even and you should be able to stand comfortably with your uninjured foot flat on the ground. You should be in an upright position as if you were standing normally. The knee scooter handle bar should be set at waist height in a natural position so the arms and hands are comfortable when outstretched. Refer to our How to Use a Knee Walker page for further guidance.
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