Photo Contest Winners
2023 Summer/Fall Winner
Madeleine using our Swivelmate Knee Walker
"This photo was taken outside our home in Boulder, CO on a beautiful summer day
The knee walker helped me get around for walks with my wife in the beautiful outdoors! "
Madeleine Chalifoux-Gene from Boulder , COMadeleine rented the Swivelmate Knee Walker. (as shown) -
2023 Spring Winner
Dr. Lawrence Holtzman using our Swivelmate Knee Walker at work
"This is Dr. Lawrence Holtzman , an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at work! This Photo was taken in his office
This particular knee scooter allowed Dr. Holtzman to work! Other scooters didn't have YOUR 90 degree turning radius .. it was a game changer! It allowed him to operate! Without it ... he would have been out of work for 6 weeks! "
Aimee Holtzman from Manhasset, NYDr. Lawrence Holtzman rented the Swivelmate Knee Walker. (as shown) -
2023 Winter Winner
Amy using an Orthomate Knee Walker on the beach
"This was at Amelia Island state park in Florida. We went at low tide so the sand was compact enough to scoot along for a walk on the beach!
I was able to still be able to get out in nature and take my dog for walks ."
Amy from Jacksonville FLAmy rented the Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter. (as shown) -
2022 Summer Winner
Talya using an Orthomate Knee Walker at Ein Avdat, Negev desert
"Using the knee walker, I was able to travel with my family throughout Israel-Palestine. Navigating the narrow cobblestone alleys of the old cities would have been impossible with a wheelchair, but I managed it with the knee walker."
Talya from New York, NYTalya rented the Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter. (as shown) -
2022 Spring Winner
Winner was....
Robert from Citrus Heights, CA"My photo is of me helping coach my sons T-ball team. It was taken at Madera Park in Citrus Heights, CA. In the photo I'm home plate coach.
The knee walker has helped me get around and be able to do most things with my family. It's made it easy to go to baseball and softball practices/games as well as coach my two oldest kids. "
Robert from Citrus Heights, CARobert rented the Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter. (as shown) -
Covid 19 Pandemic
- Due to the Covid Pandemic the photo contest was suspended - -
2019 Fall Photo Contest Winner
"The photo was taken in Spirit Lake, Iowa, right on the lake. With my knee scooter, I was able to enjoy time outside making a snowman with family. The picture shows me putting the final touch of a carrot nose on our snowman!
My injury was a ruptured tendon in my right foot. My knee walker allowed me to work and play during the holidays--never missing a beat! I'm a teacher and my knee scooter enabled me to still be present in the classroom. Further, for the holidays, I was able to fly up to Iowa to see family and participate in all our family traditions! Thank you Rent-A-Knee-Walker! " Megan from Dallas, TXMegan’s picture warmed our frosty hearts with her great picture building a snowman while using her Orthomate Knee Walker. The All-Terrain wheels allowed her to still participate in all the fun Winter activities. Congratulations Megan on being our most recent Photo Contest Winter!Regan rented the Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter. -
2019 Spring Winner
Winner was....
Michael from Pensacola , FL"Holding up the entire weight of Spaceship Earth (Epcot) with the help of my Knee Scooter!
I took my girlfriend to Epcot for her birthday. I thought we would have to cancel our plans when I injured my ankle a couple of weeks before. My knee walker allowed me to spend all day on my feet (well, my foot) instead of having to use crutches for 12 hours. My girlfriend logged 40,000+ steps on her Fitbit right next to me! "
Michael from Pensacola , FLThere is never a better feeling we get than when customers show us how knee walkers made a positive impact on their recovery. This photo is the pinnacle of the freedom a knee scooter allows. There is just something so magical about it, Maybe it has something to do with being at the happiest place on earth Disney! That spaceship sure looks heavy and even if he didn’t really hold the ball up in the air it sure made for one cool photo. We are so proud to have been a part of Michaels wonderful day and we wish him a happy, healthy and speedy recovery!Michael rented the Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter, and added the Comfy Cushion Knee Pad Cover and Drink Cup Holder to made visiting even easier. (as shown) -
2018 Summer Winner
Winner was....
Anissa from Haines City, FL"Was not supposed to place any weight on it on my ankle and I refused to walk down the aisle on crutches. Surprised by an injury just before a planned wedding date that could not be changed. My knee walker helped saved the day. I call it 'The Bride's Ride'. "
We get all mushy when customers let us know our knee walkers made a special occasions possible. The fact that she was able to still "walk" down the aisle and the basket even worked well as a bouquet holder! We are proud to have been part of their special day and we wish you joy, love and happiness as you begin your new life together! Spring 2018 Winner
Winner was....
Kristen from Hayes , VA!"Sunday Funday bowling with friends at Yorktown AMF Lanes. I even got a strike!!!
The knee walker has allowed me to keep moving around the house and go out and about with the family and friends."
KristenKristen’s crafty collage showed the lighter side of recovery and that you don’t have to be stuck at home while you heal! Even her player name on the screen “1 Leg” reflects her fun personality that comes through in the photos. She also let us know she even got a strike that evening. Nice skills Kristen! Congrats Kristen! Fall 2017 Winner
Winner was....
Susy from Burbank , CA!"At my job as a veterinary surgeon at a humane society. Helped me get out and about and reclaim my life ."
Susy - We loved how Susy utilized the Swivelmate as another tool to get the job done! She is a Veterinary Surgeon at a Humane Society so lots of animals depend on her so she had to stay mobile and be able to perform lifesaving surgeries. Upon hearing she was the winner, Susy chose to graciously donate the prize winnings toward a knee walker rental for someone who couldn’t afford it otherwise. We are proud to have provided a knee walker for such a kind hearted person!
Summer 2017 Winner
Winner was....
Irma from Brooklyn, NY!"It help my boy enjoy the summer much better than if he didnt have, he was able to go to the movies, the park, the mall, play days and most importantly the POOL which is his favorite summer fun day."
Irma - Irma from Brooklyn sent in an emotional testimonial about her Grandson's experience. We love these kind of stories! Normally a broken foot would ruin a kid’s summer, but not with a knee walker and a DryPro cast cover. He was able to still do all his favorite summer activities. Thanks for sharing Irma!
Spring 2017 Winner
Winner was....
David from Greenwich, CT!"The scooter is so much easier and better balanced than crutches, and much more comfortable. With a non-weight bearing broken ankle, I am able to participate in activities and be so much more independent than when using crutches. Love this Swivelmate; back up and moving so much faster."
David - Wow, this sunset is a show stopper! David was in Cape Cod, MA on vacation when he snapped this shot. The Swivelmate is ideal to take on vacation with you during recovery as they fold easily and are slim in design. With a knee walker you don’t have so sit in the hotel room, so get out there and explore!
Spring 2016 Winner
Winner was....
Rick from Roswell, GA!"The Martha Stewart Bulloch chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held a ceremony at the 'Faces of War' monument located on the Roswell, GA City Hall grounds which was the 43rd anniversary of the end of fighting in the Vietnam War. It was a ceremony to honor the Vietnam Veterans and give them the welcome home that they never received at that time.
As President of the Piedmont Chapter Sons of the American Revolution, I attended that ceremony in uniform and functioned as Color Guard Commander with members of our color guard to present the colors (US and GA state flags) to open the event to open the event. The knee walker has been a lifesaver for me. I have been non-weight bearing on my left leg since I broke my ankle. The knee walker has allowed me to not only get around in my house, but also to participate in events and meetings that I would not otherwise have been able to attend. The 90 degree turning radius is a great, and makes the knee walker very maneuverable."
Rick- Just another great example of how using a knee walker keeps you active and involved in all aspects of your daily life. We thought the composition and subject matter were great and really enjoyed Rick's story. We were thrilled to hear how his Swivelmate knee walker allowed him to not skip a beat in his duties as the President of the Piedmont Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Congrats Rick!
Winter 2015 Winner
Winner was....
Christina from Crozet, VA!"My son Alex, 11, as Harry Potter on Halloween with his Swivelmate.
Helped him keep up at and out of school and maintain more independence while his fractured ankle healed."
Christina - Is that Harry Potter on a knee walker? It sure looks that way! Harry, a.k.a., Alex from Crozet, Virginia, switched out his Nimbus 2000 for the Swivelmate when he fractured his ankle and we are glad to announce him as our photo winner! Knee Walkers help all age ranges and we were thrilled to see Alex did not miss a beat during his recovery. ACCIO $250! Well done, Potter....we mean Alex!
If you would like to submit your photo to our next contest, click here to enter!. Summer 2015 Winner
Winner was....
Janelle from Los Angeles, CA!"The first few days I had my knee walker I was ecstatic to be able to do some normal things! I'm at Lowes in Santa Monica, arriving to me my friends and feeling so happy as you can see!
I was able to get back to my everyday life. The biggest thing was being able to work! It was a life saver! It was such a blessing to have my knee walker and it definitely help me stay positive through the first several weeks!"
Janelle - She is the Grand Prize winner of $250.00! We loved the candid nature of the photo and that it showcased Janelle using her Swivelmate in everyday life. Plus she looks super stylish on her knee walker! Thank you everyone for sending your pictures in, it was really hard to choose because we had so many good ones. If you would like to submit your photo to our next contest, click here to enter!.