Indianapolis and Marion County Knee Scooter Rentals and Accessories
Unsure of where to find the best knee scooters in Indianapolis?
Don’t let crutches get you down, have a knee scooter delivered for free in just 2 days!Swivelmate Knee Walker
Free shipping & return
Best knee scooters on the market
- We offer free shipping and return to Indianapolis in just 2 days. Recovery won't keep you from attending events at Victory field or zipping past normal pedestrians at Eagle Creek Park. We offer multiple models for rent and purchase, something the fine people of Indianapolis have been using for the last 10 years. People love our Swivelmate for tight spaces like the bathroom and kitchen, or the Orthomate for different terrains. Whether you want more freedom inside or outside of your home, Rent a Knee Walker has you covered.
"I was so happy when when it arrived and relieved just by looking at the box. It was already assembled, I just needed to adjust the seat and handle bars for my height. After about 15 minutes including skimming the instructions, I was scooting around. All I could do was weep tears of joy and relief. I had no idea how sad I was with the limitations of my mobility after breaking my ankle and the idea of 6 weeks weeks on crutches terrified me." - Amazon Customer
We have proudly served the continental US for the last decade, and look forward to providing knee scooters for the years to come. Don't let crutches limit your recovery, call us or leave a message today to get the freedom you deserve.