How Much Weight Can a Knee Scooter Hold (Model Comparison)
- Each day, knee scooters (also called knee walkers) are starting to become more known as a replacement for crutches to get around independently during a leg injury.
With many knee walker models available, there are specific models best suited for heavy-set users. When exploring your options, it's important to know what the maximum weight capacity for knee scooters are.
So how much weight can a knee scooter hold?
While many knee scooters are built to be robust and stable, weight capacity varies among models. While you most likely won't be putting your entire weight on the knee scooter (because your weight is distributed with your able leg as well), it's still useful information to know.
Here are our recommendations for heavy-duty knee scooters and their weight capacity.Pediatric Knee Scooter
Our knee scooter of choice for kids and petite adults is the Knee Walker Jr. from Roscoe. The scooter itself weighs 18 lbs and has a weight capacity of 160lbs. It's currently the most heavy-duty pediatric knee scooter available.
Seated Knee Scooter
If you find yourself in a situation where you can't use a regular knee scooter because of a knee injury or an above-the-knee injury, a seated knee scooter is an excellent alternative.
The weight capacity of a seated knee scooter is critical information to know because the unit will support your entire body weight.
Currently, the seated knee scooter with the most weight capacity is the Evolution Seated Scooter. Its maximum weight capacity is 300lbs, compared to the average 250lb from other models.
Indoor Knee Scooter
The best knee scooter for indoor use is the Swivelmate Knee Walker by TKWC. We like recommending this model because of its narrow turn radius, useful for navigating tight indoor environments with no problems.
The Swivelmate is one of the most heavy-duty knee walkers on the market today. It's great knee scooter for big and tall users. Its maximum weight capacity is 400lb.
But now, with the updated Swivelmate model, the weight capacity is 500lb. If you are renting a knee scooter with us, contact us so we can ship you the model with the 500lb capacity.
Despite its high weight capacity and heavy-duty frame, the Swivelmate is still very portable to carry with you when traveling or to load it in and out of your car.
All-Terrain Knee Scooter.
The Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter by TKWC is a great indoor and outdoor knee scooter hybrid. Air-filled rubber tires absorb all the shock from rough outdoor terrains—making it a breeze to scoot around outdoors. This all-terrain knee scooter has a weight capacity of 350lbs.
If you're still exploring other mobility alternatives such as crutches and wheelchairs, nothing will come close to the level of comfort, support, and independence a heavy-duty knee scooter will provide you.
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