Orthomate Knee Walker - Product Highlights
- Choosing the right knee scooter model that fits your specific lifestyle is imperative to ensure you get the best experience using it during your recovery period. While all knee scooters (also referred to as knee walkers) can be used outdoors, a more specialized model like an all-terrain knee scooter will be best suited for prolonged outdoor use.
In this article, we will go over the features that make Orthomate All-Terrain Knee Scooter our most popular all-terrain knee scooter for outdoor use.
What is an All-Terrain Knee Scooter?
First, let's cover some basics.
The main differentiator between a standard knee walker and all-terrain knee walkers is the wheels. Standard knee walkers have solid plastic tires. All-terrain knee scooters are equipped with air-filled rubber tires.
When you use a standard scooter outside on the pavement, for example, you will feel the vibrations of the uneven surface, rocks, cracks etc. When riding on air-filled tires, all this shock is absorbed by the air-filled tires.
Related: Solid Tires VS. Air-Filled Tires
The Problem with Oversized-wheels
A quick online search for all-terrain knee scooters will show you several models with enormous wheels. Most of them sporting 12-inch wheels, like the Knee Rover All-Terrain, for example. These may seem like a great idea at a glance until you start using it.
The issue with these oversized wheels is that they are a bit of an overkill. They do excel if you have to travel often through extremely rough terrain, like heavy snow, beach sand, tall grass, etc. The thing is, the vast majority of users don't need such a heavy-duty tank.
A quick online search for all-terrain knee walkers will present you with models with enormous wheels.
Any all-terrain wheels bigger than 10" is overkill. These units are tough to navigate indoors due to their large size. When you move around the house, you will find yourself bumping into the counters when you need to get close to them. Their large size makes it hard to pack up in your car when you're on the move constantly.
Finally, the distance between the two rear wheels on these models are very narrow, making them easy to tip over.
Best of Both Worlds
What makes the Orthomate knee walker special?
The Orthomate is designed to be a hybrid indoor and outdoor knee walker— hence why it's our most rented all-terrain knee walker. The manufacturer understands that outdoor people have to use their knee walkers indoors as well.
It provides a smooth ride through rough outdoor surfaces while providing great indoor maneuverability.
Pneumatic Tires
The Orthomate is built with four 8 inch air filled pneumatic tires—not too big, not too small. They allow you to glide effortlessly over uneven terrains, like gravel, grass as well as create a superior ride indoors. The tires are small enough to prevent you from constantly bumping into things in your home.
Superior Turn Radius
The Orthomate has a superior turn radius compared to other popular all-terrain models, like the KneeRover. It's easy to navigate around the house, whether on tile or carpeted floors.
The Orthomate has a superior turn radius compared to other all-terrain models.
Enhanced Stability
Most all terrain knee scooters have a narrow rear wheel separation. This causes the knee scooter to flip easily. The Orthomate fixes this issue by placing the rear wheels further apart from each other. This makes it more stable than other all-terrain knee walkers.
Easy Setup - No Tools
Ready to use right out the box. No complicated setup or tools required—just your hands.
Just insert the knee rest and adjust for your height and off you go. More on how to unfold on the section below:
Easy Fold
The Orthomate easily folds at the base of the steering column. The steering column will then lie flat just under the knee pad, making it compact and easy to transport. Again, no tools are required for folding.
Customer Praise
Here's what some of our customers say about their experience with their Orthomate:"Sturdy build I had no concerns that I would be able to safely to navigate our neighborhoods parks terrain." "My knee walker allowed me to work and play during the holidays—never missing a beat!" "I'm able to get out and get fresh air and walk! That is the hardest thing - not being able to get around but with my knee-walker - I can get around pretty well!! Love it!" "Thanks to the Orthomate, I have been able to go on some of my favorite "walks" with my husband and get some exercise and sunshine - while being non-weigh bearing for 8 weeks."
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